
This privacy policy includes the ways in which the COMPANY processes information that may be used for the direct or indirect identification of an individual ("Personal Data") collected through the use of the COMPANY website and its contact form or purchase form. of. In any case, the COMPANY reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing the visitors / users / customers and within the existing or possible legal framework. If a visitor / user / customer does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section must not use the services of
You can browse our online store without giving any personal information. Your personal information will be requested only when you want to contact or purchase with the COMPANY.
Our website is in compliance with General Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR Regulation ), Which is a directly binding legislative act. The GDPR Regulation creates some new rights for natural persons and strengthens some of the rights that already existed under Directive 95/46 / EC. Directive 95/46 / EC was repealed on May 25, 2018, when the GDPR Regulation entered into force.
In the text of this policy, "User" means the person who uses the services of the COMPANY website, "Visitor" means the person who visits our website (, as "Customer" the persons who contract with COMPANY for the purchase of its products.
Any processing of personal data performed by is carried out in such a way as to ensure its confidentiality. All information is stored securely and can only be accessed by authorized personnel. implements and develops the necessary technical and organizational measures for the protection of the Personal Data of Users, Visitors and Customers (all of them understood as "Subjects" of personal data) from unauthorized or illegal processing and use, as well as and against possible loss, destruction, damage, theft or illegal access.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

1. The legal basis for the use of your personal data collects only those personal data that are necessary in order to satisfy your requests. Whenever additional, optional information is sought, you will be notified at the time of collection of this data, and your prior consent will be required for processing
The current legal framework allows us to process personal data only if we have the legal basis to do so. Therefore, when we process your personal data, we rely on one of the following processing cases:
Consent: Your consent may be requested from time to time in order for us to process some of your personal data. Your data will be processed in this way only if you expressly agree to it (Article 6 (1a) of the GDPR).
Contract performance: In cases where the processing of your personal data is necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations arising from the contract concluded between us (Article 6 paragraph 1b of the GDPR Regulation).
Legal obligation: This happens in cases where we are obliged to process your personal data in order to comply with a legal obligation, such as: a) to keep records for tax purposes, b) to provide information to a public body, c) to comply with the requirements of a legislative or regulatory provision a court decision (Article 6 (1c) of the GDPR Regulation).
Protecting your vital interests: This is the case where the processing of your personal data is necessary to protect your vital interests (Article 6 (1d) of the GDPR).
Fulfillment of duty performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority: This occurs in cases where the processing of your personal data is necessary for the performance of a duty performed in the public interest (Article 6 (1e) of the GDPR).
Legal interest: We may process your personal data in cases where this processing is a legitimate interest of our company during the execution of a legal activity, in order to ensure the continuity of this activity. This processing, of course, will not exceed your interests, freedoms and fundamental rights (Article 6 (1f) of the GDPR). does not process your personal data, such as personal data concerning a person's race, nationality, political beliefs, membership in trade unions, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, physical or his mental health, his sex life and orientation, data on criminal convictions and criminal offenses.
The following sections cover the specifics of each of the aforementioned groups from which personal data is collected.


2. Subject Data Collection collects the personal data of the Subjects, through the Customer Service call center, as well as through its website.
The following sections cover the Subjects whose personal data is collected. may collect and process personal data about Users through the contact form, Website Visitors, and Customers through the order form.
In case required by the current legal framework, we will ask for your explicit consent for the processing of your personal data, as they are collected by
Your personal data processed by are the following:
•Personal Data of Users: Name, landline number, mobile phone number, home address, e-mail address.
•Personal Visitor Data: cookies
•Personal Customer Data: Name, home address, shipping address, ID / Passport Number, landline number, mobile phone number and email address

3. Data Transmission does not disclose your personal data to third parties outside the European Union in countries where there is no appropriate data protection regime. However, in the event that such a data transfer is required, will take all possible measures to ensure that your data is treated securely as within the EU / EEA and in accordance with this Policy and applicable law. . In addition, will update the current Policy, in order to cover the cross-border data transfer and the relevant safeguards for the privacy of the Users of its online platform.

4. Data retention period will not retain the data of the Subjects beyond the time necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they have been collected or as required by the applicable legal framework.
In case of concluding a service contract with the latter keeps personal data of its customer until the completion of the statutory limitation period of the claims, ie for a period of up to twenty (20) years from the expiration of the relevant contracts in any way.
If by the end of the above time legal actions are in progress with that directly or indirectly concern the Customers, the above data retention time will be extended until the issuance of an irrevocable court decision. In some cases, specific personal information may be retained beyond this time, due to possible legal obligations, legal interests of Such cases are, by way of example, those related to each branch of law (tax, civil, criminal, etc.).
In case of non-establishment of the transaction relationship, the personal data of the User or Customer will be kept for a period of up to five (5) years from their collection. In case a shorter or longer data retention period is provided by law, the above data retention time will be reduced or increased accordingly. can collect, record and process the data of the Visitors of its website. We may record your IP address and use cookies.

5. Use of the Website

According to the more specific provisions of article 8 of the Regulation, minors under fifteen (15) years of age are prohibited from disclosing their personal data to without the prior consent of their guardian. We ask these people not to submit information to us. In the event that the Users of the website fall into the above category and continue to disclose their personal data to us through our website, it will be considered that these persons have obtained the prior consent of their guardian.

6. The Rights of Subjects

The new GDPR Regulation gives you the following rights regarding the processing of your personal data:
Right of Access: You can request access to your personal data. This gives you the opportunity to receive a copy of your personal data maintained by
Right of Correction: You can request a correction of your personal data. In this way you are given the opportunity to correct any incomplete or inaccurate data that In this case we will need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide us.
Right of Deletion: You can request the deletion of your personal data. This allows you to request that we delete or remove personal data in the event that there is no reason to continue processing it.
Right to Restrict Processing: You can request a restriction on the processing of your personal data.
Right of Objection: You may object to the processing of your personal data, at any time, in cases where the processing of your data is based on the performance of a duty performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority (indent e of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Regulation), or if the processing serves purposes of legal interests of or a third party (indent f of paragraph 1 of Rule 6 of the Rules of Procedure).
Right to Portability: You can request the transfer of your personal data to you or to third parties. We will provide you or the third party who has chosen your personal data in a widely used, readable format by electronic means. Please note that this right only applies to automated information that you originally gave us your consent to use or whenever we used this information to execute a contract with you.
Right to Withdraw Consent: You may revoke your consent at any time, in cases where you have already given your consent to the processing of your personal data. However, this will not affect the legality of any processing that took place prior to the withdrawal of your consent. If you revoke your consent, may not be able to offer you some of its products or services. You will be informed about this at the time of submitting your request.
Manual decision making: Automatic decision making occurs when an electronic system uses personal data to make a decision without human intervention. In this case you have the right not to submit to decisions made solely through automated processing including profile training which produces legal results that affect or significantly affect you in a similar way, unless you give us your consent, or it is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between you or if otherwise permitted by law. You also have the right to challenge decisions made about you through the above procedure. respects the rights you have to your personal data and facilitates your exercise. You can write any request, question or complaint regarding your personal data by calling +30 6971952038 or by e-mail at
In any case, if you feel that the protection of your personal data has been violated in any way, you have the right to submit a written complaint to the Hellenic Personal Data Protection Authority (Kifissias 1-3, PC 11523, Athens) or electronically to (


COOKIES POLICY uses cookies to manage logins, to provide personalized websites and to customize advertising and other content to reflect your particular needs and interests. Cookies can also be used to compile anonymous, aggregate statistics that allow us to understand how the public is using our website and help to improve its structure and content. We cannot verify your personal identity from this information. You can modify your browser settings to reject some or all of the cookies, except the absolutely necessary ones. Be aware that some features are only available through the use of cookies and if you choose to opt out of cookies, these features may not be available.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website installs on your computer, phone, or any other device, with information about your browsing on that website. Cookies are essential because they make browsing easier and friendlier, without damaging your computer. Although in this policy the general term cookies is used by the website as the basic method of storing information, the "local storage" space of the browser is used for the same purposes as cookies. In this sense, all information contained in this section also applies to this "Local Storage".

What categories of cookies do we collect?

•Absolutely necessary cookies
•Functionality cookies
•Performance, analysis and research cookies
•Security cookies
•Ad cookies
•Social Networking Cookies

Cookies are a necessary factor for the operation of our website. The main goal of our cookies is to improve your browsing experience. For example, cookies help us to memorize your preferences (language, country, etc.) during browsing and future visits.
The information collected in cookies allows, among other things, the improvement of the website, through the evaluation of numbers and usage patterns, the adaptation of the website to the individual interests of users, the improved speed of searches, etc.
In some cases, with your prior consent we may use cookies, tags or other similar systems to obtain information that allows us to show you from our website or third party websites or by any other means, ads based on the analysis of your browsing habits.
We do not store in cookies that we use sensitive information, personal identification such as your address, your password, your credit or debit card details, etc.
The information stored in the cookies of our website is used exclusively by us, with the exception of what will be defined below as "third party cookies", which are used and managed by external companies to provide us with the services we request to improve its services and experience. user while browsing our site. The main services for those who use these "third party cookies" are the receipt of access statistics and the guarantee of the completed payment transactions.
If you prefer to avoid the use of cookies on this page in view of the above restrictions, you must first disable the use of cookies in your browser and then delete the cookies stored in your browser, which are associated with this You can use this feature to avoid the use of cookies at any time.
To limit, block or delete cookies from this website, you may at any time modify your browser settings in accordance with the rules set out below. Although the configuration of each browser is different, the setting of cookies is usually done from the menu of "Preferences" or "Tools". For more details on setting cookies in your browser, consult the "Help" menu of your program.