
zissisvilla.gr is addressed to all visitors / users / customers of the internet and the possibility of making purchases through our online platform, following an online order, always subject to the adequacy of the company's services’ availability, aiming responsibly at prompt customer service and satisfaction.
The use of zissisvilla.gr by each user is at his own risk. The contents of this website do not constitute and can in no way be construed as providing advice, direct or indirect encouragement to users to take any action. The evaluation of the content of zissisvilla.gr is at the discretion of each user, who is requested to check the content of the terms of use for possible changes. also assumes responsibility for the use of any part thereof.
The website zissisvilla.gr is an online commercial store selling services via the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the online platform) of the company under the name ΠΑΡΑΣΧΗΣ ΖΗΣΙΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΙΑ Ε.Ε., (hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY) based in Gerakari, 29100 Zakynthos, Greece, with Tax Identification Number 801497673 and Tax Office ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΥ, Business Registration Number 158005924000, with electronic contact address info@zissisvilla.gr and telephone line of the online platform: +30 6971952038.
The following terms and conditions are fully compatible with applicable European and Greek law while visitors / users / customers recognize the right of the company to change provisions of these terms, insofar as they do not relate to its legally binding obligations and without affecting completed situations. The continued use of zissisvilla.gr, even after any changes means the unconditional, on the part of the visitor / user / customer, acceptance of these terms otherwise the use of this website is expressly prohibited.

General terms

The COMPANY reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the online platform, whenever it deems necessary, and undertakes the obligation to inform consumers of any change, through the pages of this online platform. zissisvilla.gr is not responsible for violation of these terms due to reasons of force majeure (such as extreme weather events, earthquakes, floods, fires, emergencies, pandemics, etc.).
If due to force majeure (eg bad weather, strikes, etc.), it is not possible to deliver the order within the predetermined time, the Company will inform you via e-mail. In this case, our Company does not bear any responsibility for this delay, making every effort for the best service.

Provided Services

Housekeeping : On arrival date. Included extra towels and sheets . Cleaning day every 3 days (towels and bedsheets) . On demand 40 € / per day CHECK OUT : Up to 10.00 A.M CHECK IN : From 14.00 P.M

Information provided & Service

The COMPANY is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information provided on zissisvilla.gr, in terms of the identity of the COMPANY and the services provided by it. The company, in the context of good faith, is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries made by mistake / inadvertence, eg: any technical or typographical errors, which have escaped attention or have occurred unintentionally or due to any interruption of the website from reasons of force majeure and has the right to correct them whenever it realizes their existence.

Limitations of liability

zissisvilla.gr does not give any guarantee for the availability of the services displayed on the website, but guarantees the immediate and timely information of its customers for the non-availability of any of its purchased services. The transaction will be considered completed only after sending a written electronic confirmation.
In case it is impossible to execute an order, zissisvilla.gr has the right to withdraw and not fulfill it, and in case the price has already been collected, the refund to the customer will be made in the same way as it was make the initial collection.
The visitor / user / customer undertakes any risk that may arise from the access and use of the website of zissisvilla.gr. zissisvilla.gr is not responsible for any kind of damage to the visitor / user / customer (positive or negative), indicatively and not restrictively mentioning any direct, indirect, accidental, ancillary or other damage that may arise from any access, use or inability to use the website , delay or inability to provide services or information, from any interference by third parties in services or information available through it, including any damage from any virus transmission to the user's electronic equipment.
zissisvilla.gr reserves the right to deliver the services in cases of force majeure (eg bad weather, strikes, etc.). If it is not possible to deliver the services to you within the predetermined time, we will inform you via e-mail.
zissisvilla.gr does not bear any responsibility for any situation that is beyond its own fault and will do everything humanly possible for your best service.
The user / customer understands and accepts that zissisvilla.gr reserves the exclusive right, without any prior notice, to stop using his / her passwords to his / her services or to stop the distribution of his / her content to users / customers who believe that have violated the letter and spirit of these terms of use.
zissisvilla.gr does not bear any obligation towards the user / customer for the above interruption or for any case of claim related to the above interruption.
Health Conditions and Allergies: In case you have any physical, mental or other health condition, or any type of allergy (such as to cosmetics, food, etc), it is your responsibility to inform us, as well as your provider of the service you selected to participate to. We cannot be held responsible for any existing allergy or health problem which might be triggered by an activity that we had not been informed of. If you have any dietary restrictions whatsoever please contact us after you book through our website in order for us to try to accommodate your needs.
Risk of Loss: The Company or the service provider will not be held responsible for any loss of private property in case a client forgets, loses or has his personal property stolen while on or as a result of the provision of services. Each client is solely responsible for taking good care of their property while attending a service.
Injury or Death: You agree that we will not be held liable for any kind of injury or death while on an activity or service booked via the website zissisvilla.gr. You participate in all activities at your own risk and you agree to have absolutely no claim against the Company or your service provider.

Intellectual property rights

All content in the online platform, including badges, images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, etc. are the intellectual property of the COMPANY and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions or intellectual property of third parties for which the COMPANY has obtained a license to use for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of the online platform. It is forbidden to copy, transfer or create a derivative work based on this content or mislead the public about the actual provider of the online platform. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the COMPANY or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and insignia that are listed and describe the online platform with the trademark or the services of the COMPANY or third parties, are assets of the COMPANY or third parties respectively, protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their use in the online platform in no case provides permission or right to use them by third parties.
zissisvilla.gr, under the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right of access, use and presentation of this website and its contents. This license does not constitute a transfer of title to the Website and its components and is subject to the following restrictions: you may not modify the website and its elements in any way or reproduce or present them in public, or distribute or otherwise use the website and its elements for any public or commercial purpose, unless otherwise permitted by the present.

Service ordering and consumer protection

The placing of an order through the online platform, constitutes the conclusion of a distance selling contract regulated by the legislative framework of Law 2251/1994 (as it is valid today) and the amendments mentioned in Presidential Decree 131/2003 (Government Gazette A '116 / 16.05.2003).
Possibility of concluding a valid order through the online platform, you have if you are legally competent observing the articles of the Greek Civil Code, [if you have reached the (18th) eighteenth year of your age and you are not in court support regarding the conclusion of a sales contract] . Orders can also be placed by representatives of legal entities, while the company reserves the right to claim from the supervisor or guardian any orders that will be made by legally incompetent persons.
The services available for sale, their characteristics, prices and availability, are located at zissisvilla.gr and are accessible to all. Visitors / users / customers can search for more information about each service by clicking on the service image. zissisvilla.gr makes every effort every day to provide all the required information about each product (technical characteristics, prices, etc.).

Payment policy

The prices of the services listed on zissisvilla.gr are final retail prices in Euro (€) and VAT (24%), is included. The COMPANY reserves the right to change the prices without prior notice and reserves the right to adjust the prices without having to inform the consumer public. whether they changed later.

Promotion policy

zissisvilla.gr reserves the right to carry out promotions or other actions for the benefit of its customers in various ways (landing pages, url's, discount coupons, etc.).
Any promotional codes / discount coupons available at zissisvilla.gr are used only by registered users.
These codes / discount coupons are not transferable and are not combined with any other discounts offered, while they should be redeemed within the time limit set each time, unless explicitly stated in the terms of use of the coupon or the specific promotional action.

Applicable law and other terms

The specific terms and conditions as well as any modification are governed by and construed in accordance with Greek law.
If a provision is declared invalid or void, it automatically ceases to be valid, without in any case affecting the validity of the other terms.
For any dispute that arises from the use of zissisvilla.gr, the competent courts of Athens have jurisdiction.